Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Scale (DASS – 21)

Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Scale (DASS – 21)

Your results could be:

Normal and mild score reflect that you currently do not experience any distress. We encourage you to continue staying physically and mentally healthy by keeping a healthy lifestyle, having supportive relationships, and take time to reflect on things that you are thankful for thus far. Attending mental health related workshops or going for psychotherapy (no it is not just for the severely ill) can also keep you mentally healthy! 

Moderate score is indicative that you may experience some distress at the moment. How is your sleep, and eating habits so far? Have you been moving your body enough? You may start by evaluating your self-care habits and find alternative ways in managing your present situation. We encourage you to consider speaking to a mental health professional to explore the presence of some life events and (or) problems that may need to be addressed directly. 

Severe or extremely severe score is indicative of high levels of distress with elevated scores and symptoms in stress/ anxiety/ depression. Such score does not mean that you are clinically anxious or depressed, and it should not be a substitute for a comprehensive clinical interview with a mental health professional. The score(s) is just meant to help you come to an informed decision about your mental health and the next steps to take. We recommend that you consult with a mental health professional for an accurate diagnosis and to discuss the various treatment options suitable for you.